经典好书《The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry》读书内容简介:,1977— )美国知名作家、编剧。年轻并极富魅力,深爱阅读与创作。毕业于哈佛大学英美文学系的她,已出版了九本小说,作品被翻译成三十多种语言。14岁时,她写了一封关于“枪与玫瑰乐团”的信函投给当地报社,措词激烈,意外获得该...详情
经典好书《A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Third Edition》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Magistrate's Tael》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Lucifer's Hammer》读书内容简介: slammed into Earth, forging earthquakes a thousand times too powerful to measure on the Richter scale, tidal waves thousands...详情
Q & A 书籍
经典好书《Q & A》读书内容简介:及哲學。多才多藝的他從小即愛好寫作,長大后成爲外交官,曾被派駐到土耳其、美國、衣索比亞和英國。目前擔任新德里對外事務部部長。《Q&A》是他的第一部小説,一出版即大受好評,目前已售出三十七囯版權,並即將被改編成電影和音樂劇。史瓦盧普目前正在撰寫他的第二...详情
经典好书《Every Day Lasts A Year》读书内容简介:er was devastated when his parents were killed in an automobile accident in 1986. While rummaging through their attic, he di...详情
经典好书《De Caligari a Hitler/ From Caligari to Hitler》读书内容简介:racauer,1889—1966),著名批评家、社会学家和电影理论家。生于德国,早年为《法兰克福报》的记者、时事评论员,因持续撰文对“纳粹”进行批评,1933年被迫流亡巴黎,后于1941年辗转到达纽约,成为现代艺术博物馆的特聘研究员,随后又在多个研...详情
经典好书《Albion's Seed》读书内容简介:David Hackett Fischer马萨诸塞布兰迪斯大学历史学教授,著有《华盛顿的十字路口》(Washington's Crossing),曾荣获普利策奖。▼译者简介王剑鹰,密苏里大学政治...详情
经典好书《The People's Peking Man》读书内容简介:d in the 1920s by an international team of scientists and miners, was deemed powerful evidence of human evolution. After the ...详情
经典好书《A Drop of the Hard Stuff》读书内容简介:ally on the straight and narrow when he runs into "High-Low" Jack Ellery, a childhood friend from the Bronx. In Scudder, Jack...详情