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标签:ThomasFriedman,全球化,绿色革命,社会,环境,托马斯·弗里德曼,全球变暖,bestseller, 原作名:
作者:Thomas L. Friedman 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 448页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分: 7.7
经典好书《Hot, Flat, and Crowded》读书内容简介: L. Friedman’s no. 1 bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see globalization in a new way. Now Fri...详情
标签:写作,新闻学,Journalism,Writing,新闻,英文原版,英语,MAIJS书单, 原作名:
作者:William E. Blundell 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 272页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分: 8.8
经典好书《The Art and Craft of Feature Writing》读书内容简介: 威廉·E.布隆代尔,《华尔街日报》的资深头版撰稿人,曾获得迈克·博格新闻奖、莱伊霍华德公共服务奖以及美国报纸编辑协会颁发的无期限特稿作品杰出写作奖。作者简介详情
标签:Linux/Unix,linux,计算机,philosophy,Linux,Programming,英文版,*nix, 原作名:
作者:Mike Gancarz 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 252页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分: 7.6
经典好书《Linux and the Unix Philosophy》读书内容简介:hat focus on how to use Linux, Linux and the Unix Philosophy explores the "way of thinking that is Linux" and why Linux is a ...详情
标签:政治,政治学,学术,美国,经典,political,economics, 原作名:
作者:Michael Roskin 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 604页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Countries and Concepts》读书内容简介: written with candor and spirit, this 9th edition of Countries and Concepts simply observes that politics is composed of huma...详情
标签:并行,计算机,并行程序设计,MPI,Parallel_Computing,饮水思源,计算机科学,计算机理论, 原作名:
作者:Michael J. Quinn 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数:None页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP》读书内容简介:arallel programming has arrived, marked by the popularity of the MPI and OpenMP software standards and the emergence of commo...详情
标签:比较政治,政治社会学,社会学,民主政治,政治学,政治史,政党政治,历史社会学, 原作名:
作者:Daniel Ziblatt 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 448页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy》读书内容简介:m and what makes them die? Daniel Ziblatt revisits this timely and classic question in a wide-ranging historical narrative th...详情
标签:法学,社会学,法哲学, 原作名:
作者:Philippe Nonet 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 122页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Law and Society in Transition》读书内容简介:s to penetrate ever larger realms of social, political, and economic life, generating both praise and blame. Nonet and Selzni...详情
标签:法学,法律基础,爱丁堡,法律,法哲学,哲学,历史,law, 原作名:
作者:Neil MacCormick 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 328页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory》读书内容简介: in a law case good or bad? Can legal decisions be justified by purely rational argument or are they ultimately determined by...详情
标签:and,Schaffer,,Richard,Law,Its,International,Filiberto,Environment., 原作名:
作者:Schaffer, Richard 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 768页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分:
经典好书《International Business Law and Its Environment. Richard Schaffer, Beverley Earle, Filiberto Agusti》读书内容简介:s Law and Its Environment, 8/e, International Edition" centers on the transactional side of international business - both pub...详情
标签:R,时间序列,时间序列分析,Statistics,Time_Series,统计,数据挖掘,数学, 原作名:
作者:Robert H. Shumway 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 610页 最新访问:2020-03-08 … 网友评分: 9.0
经典好书《Time Series Analysis and Its Applications》读书内容简介:nd Its Applications presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanyi...详情