经典好书《Albion's Seed》读书内容简介:David Hackett Fischer马萨诸塞布兰迪斯大学历史学教授,著有《华盛顿的十字路口》(Washington's Crossing),曾荣获普利策奖。▼译者简介王剑鹰,密苏里大学政治...详情
经典好书《lonely planet 旅行指南系列:丝绸之路》读书内容简介: 东都洛阳、古都长安经河西走廊翻越天山,走过戈壁荒漠、横跨欧亚大陆的丝绸之路,在沉睡千年后再次引起世界瞩目。带上Lonely planet一起踏上这条大美的遥远征程吧,看石窟赏壁画,尝美食品美酒,吟一首唐诗,探几处遗迹……西域大漠,丝路指向远方。作者简介详情
经典好书《Sorry, I'm British!》读书内容简介:f the British psyche with this informative and witty illustrated guide. From small-talk to superiority, from cricket to condi...详情
拇指男孩的秘密日记 书籍
经典好书《拇指男孩的秘密日记》读书内容简介:ermeier)1968年5月1日生于法国史特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)。孤独的梦想家,一脚踏在地上,一脚伸入空中。喜爱法国作家凡尔纳(Jules Verne)笔下的主人翁米榭·史托哥夫(Michel Strogoff)、水手辛巴达...详情
经典好书《The People's Peking Man》读书内容简介:d in the 1920s by an international team of scientists and miners, was deemed powerful evidence of human evolution. After the ...详情
经典好书《Lonely Planet国际指南系列:尼泊尔(第二版)》读书内容简介:彩插及海量文字信息,为读者展现了尼泊尔旅行的方方面面,其中既有出发前的行程规划建议,又有旅程中的实用资讯——景点、住宿、交通等,让你拥有高品质之旅。本书结合尼泊尔的旅游资源,专门为广受认可的5个目的地和两大类活动开辟了章节,并针对旅行者的需求进行了内...详情
经典好书《A Drop of the Hard Stuff》读书内容简介:ally on the straight and narrow when he runs into "High-Low" Jack Ellery, a childhood friend from the Bronx. In Scudder, Jack...详情
经典好书《A Vietcong Memoir》读书内容简介:in Paris, Truong Nhu Tang met Ho Chi Minh. Later he fought in the Vietnamese jungle and emerged as one of the major figures i...详情
经典好书《Aesop's Fables》读书内容简介:esop , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student an...详情
经典好书《A Global History》读书内容简介: ReaderEach age writes its own history. Not because the earlier history is wrong, but because each age faces new probl...详情