经典好书《Happiness is . . .: 500 Things to be Happy About》读书内容简介:ess book. From Ralph Lazar and Lisa Swerling, famed cartoonists and the authors of Me Without You (more than 100,000 copies s...详情
经典好书《恩典多奇異 What's So Amazing About Grace?》读书内容简介:典也意味我们不能做任何事叫神少爱我们一些我们经常谈论恩典,可是我们明白它的意义吗?更重要的是,我们真的相信恩典,并在生活中有力的展现它吗?本书字里行间流露出恩典是什么、不是什么、并何以基督徒才能表彰这世界所渴慕的恩典。</...详情
经典好书《The Truth about Leo Strauss》读书内容简介:therine Zuckert)列奥•斯特劳斯学派重要成员。现为美国圣母大学政治学系教授,《政治学评论》主编。著有《自然权利与美国想象》(Natural Right and the American Imagination)、《后现代的柏拉图们》(P...详情
经典好书《All About High-Frequency Trading》读书内容简介:ODAY'S MOST SOPHISTICATEDAND CONTROVERSIAL TRADING TECHNIQUE Unfair ...brilliant ...illegal ...inevitable. High-frequency tra...详情
经典好书《Short Guide to Writing About Psychology》读书内容简介:PA-style guidelines, this concise guide helps readers master the skills and conventions they need to write wellin psychology ...详情
About a Boy 书籍
经典好书《About a Boy》读书内容简介:free and irresponsible Londoner in his thirties who, in his search for available women, invents an imaginary son and starts a...详情
经典好书《Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?》读书内容简介:oz Chast brings her signature wit to the topic of aging parents. Spanning the last several years of their lives and told thro...详情
经典好书《What We Talk About When We Talk About Love》读书内容简介: poverty-stricken family at the tail-end of the Depression. The son of a violent alcoholic, he married at 19, started a serie...详情
经典好书《What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank》读书内容简介: young American writer who has contributed to McSweeney's and written for the New Yorker comes a masterful collection of shor...详情
经典好书《What Every Man Thinks about Apart from Sex》读书内容简介:n一开卖就被抢购一空。据说英国大学生人手一册,有这么疯狂吗?整整200页的书中,一个字都没有。说是这表示男人除了性之外,啥都不想。据说目前火爆度已经超过了《达芬奇密码》以及《哈利波特与凤凰社》这类小说。 更多的人,将此买来作为笔记本来使用。——同学们...详情