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标签:明代,社会史,清代,历史学, 原作名:
作者:Chun-shu Chang 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 472页 最新访问:2020-03-05 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth-Century China》读书内容简介:y was a time of great social and political upheaval in China. In "Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth-Century China," Ch...详情
标签:历史,马克思主义及其研究,英文原版,英国,海外中国研究,浦嘉瑉,思想史,开卷八分钟, 原作名:
作者:James Reeve Pusey 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 572页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《China and Charles Darwin》读书内容简介:n never visited China, his ideas landed there with force. Darwinism was the first great Western theory to make an impact on t...详情
标签: 原作名:
作者:J K Rowling 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 784页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows》读书内容简介:, 1965- ),英国女作家,自小喜欢写作,当过短时间的教师和秘书。二十四岁那年,她在前往伦敦的火车旅途中萌生了创作“哈利·波特”系列小说的念头。七年后,《哈利·波特与魔法石》问世,之后她陆续创作了《哈利·波特与密室》《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》《...详情
标签:管理,创业,Entrepreneur,英文原版书,德鲁克,英文原版,科技媒介,創新, 原作名:
作者:Peter F. Drucker 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 288页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分: 7.3
经典好书《Innovation and Entrepreneurship》读书内容简介:c book on innovation and entrepreneurship This is the first book to present innovation and entrepreneurship as a purpos...详情
标签:history,Jacob_Burckhardt,历史,Burckhardt, 原作名:
作者:JACOB BURCKHARDT 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 314页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《JUDGMENTS ON HISTORY AND HISTORIANS》读书内容简介:lization of the Renaissance in Italy' and 'Reflections on History', Jacob Burckhardt (1818-97) has been described as "the mos...详情
标签:投资,金融,股票,成长股投资,商业,馬鞍山,藍田,经济, 原作名:
作者:Philip A. Fisher 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 288页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分: 9.2
经典好书《Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings》读书内容简介: jewels in these pages that may do as much for you as they have for me."-from the Introduction by Kenneth L. Fisher Forbes co...详情
标签:Marilyn,Butler,,浪漫派,浪漫主义, 原作名:
作者:Marilyn Butler 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 224页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries》读书内容简介: and its aftermath is unparalleled in English literature. Its poets include Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and...详情
标签:人类学,anthropology,Fabian,研究方法,哲学,思想史,英文原版,理论书打基础, 原作名:
作者:Johannes Fabian 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 205页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分: 9.2
经典好书《Time and the Other》读书内容简介:assic in the field that changed the way anthropologists relate to their subjects and is of immense value not only to anthropo...详情
标签:经济学,经济,英文书籍,Nonfiction,English,Economics, 原作名:
作者:James M. Buchanan 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 96页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《The Cost and Choice》读书内容简介:elf speaks of “my little book, Cost and Choice.” Cost and Choice is indeed small in size, but, systematically, it holds quite...详情
标签:美学,Jacques_Ranciere,Jacques_Rancière,JacquesRancière,雅克·朗西埃,艺术理论,Art,Philosophy, 原作名:
作者:Jacques Ranciere 出版年月:2020-02-20 … 页数: 176页 最新访问:2020-03-06 … 网友评分:
经典好书《Aesthetics and Its Discontents》读书内容简介:ics stood accused of concealing cultural games of social distinction. Now it is considered a parasitic discourse from which a...详情