经典好书《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》读书内容简介:琳自小喜欢写作和讲故事。24岁那年,她在前往伦敦的火车旅途中,一个瘦弱、戴着眼镜的黑发小巫师一直在车窗外对着她微笑。7年后,罗琳把这个名叫哈利·波特的男孩的故事推向了世界,哈利·波特成为风靡全球的童话人物。 作为一位单身母亲,罗琳母女的生活极其艰辛。...详情
经典好书《Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Court and Family in Sung China, 960-1279》读书内容简介:国普林斯顿大学东亚系,受业于刘子健教授。现任香港岭南大学讲座教授。移居香港前,曾于布朗大学和杜克大学历史系任教二十多年,早期研究以南宋为主,专著有《宋代朝廷和家庭》和《十三世纪中国政治和文化危机》中、英文版。最近十年的研究以五代为主,出版了欧阳修《新...详情
经典好书《Modeling Derivatives Applications in Matlab, C++, and Excel》读书内容简介:ling and Pricing Today's Complex Derivatives Justin London shows how to implement pricing algorithms for a wide variety of co...详情
经典好书《Computer Graphics Principles and Practice in C》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node》读书内容简介:Is with HTML5 and Node shows how to build stable, flexible Web APIs using JavaScript on both client and server. It's practica...详情
经典好书《Technology and the Lifeworld》读书内容简介:士顿大学哲学博士(1964),纽约州立大学石溪分校哲学系杰出教授(distinguished professor),当代著名技术哲学家和现象学家。Don Ihde是纽约州立大学石溪分校哲学系教授,一位著述颇丰的当代美国当代哲学家,他的研...详情
经典好书《Dynastic Crisis and Cultural Innovation》读书内容简介:cultural and literary transformation in the late Ming (1550-1644) and late Qing (1851-1911) eras. Although conventionally ass...详情
经典好书《Natural Law and Natural Rights》读书内容简介:0, Natural Law and Natural Rights is widely heralded as a seminal contribution to the philosophy of law, and an authoritative...详情
经典好书《The Rights of War and Peace》读书内容简介:Peace is the first fully historical account of the formative period of modern theories of international law. It sets the scen...详情