经典好书《20th Century Ghosts》读书内容简介:tiful . . . and dead, waiting in the Rosebud Theater one afternoon in 1945. . . . Francis was human once, but now he's an ei...详情
经典好书《Fictional Realism in 20th Century China》读书内容简介:)台湾大学外文系毕业,威斯康辛大学麦迪逊校区比较文学博士。曾任教于台湾大学、哥伦比亚大学东亚系。现任哈佛大学东亚语言及文明系Edward c.Henderson讲座教授。著有《从刘鹗到王祯和:中国现代写实小说敞论》、《众声喧哗:三O与八...详情
经典好书《Cambridge History of 20th Century Political Thought》读书内容简介:国亚利桑那州立大学政治科学教授。长期执教于明尼苏达大学,并曾任牛津大学与加州大学圣迭戈分校访问教授。鲍尔教授曾主编“剑桥原典系列”中的《詹姆斯·密尔政治著作选》、《联邦党人文集》和《托马斯·杰弗逊文集》(与乔伊斯·阿佩尔比合编),著有《转换政治话语》...详情
经典好书《Conceptual Developments of 20th Century Field Theories》读书内容简介:d synthesis of conceptual developments of twentieth-century field theories, from the general theory of relativity to quantum ...详情
经典好书《The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture》读书内容简介:of architecture in the 20th century by Kenneth Frampton - the doyen of architecture history. His approach is impressively cle...详情
经典好书《20th-Century Theology》读书内容简介:r Olson offer in this text a sympathetic introduction to twentieth-century theology and a critical survey of its significant ...详情
经典好书《Revolutionary Marxism and Social Reality in the 20th Century》读书内容简介:),比利时饮誉国际的马克思主义学者及第四国际领导人,战后世界最重要的马克思主义经济学家和政治学家,长波理论的提出者。曼德尔著作颇丰,能以法、德、英等多种文字写作,他的著作被译成30多种文字出版,其中不少重要作品先后被译介到中国,包括《论马克思主义经济...详情
经典好书《Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture》读书内容简介:ers eloquent testimony that many of the master builders of this century have held passionate convictions regarding the philos...详情
经典好书《A Comparative Analysis of 20th-century Houses》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《20th Century Ghosts》读书内容简介:beautiful. She kisses like a movie star and knows everything about every film ever made. She's also dead and waiting in the R...详情