经典好书《A Treatise On God As First Principle》读书内容简介: 司各脱作者简介详情
经典好书《The Blade Itself (The First Law》读书内容简介: 乔•阿克罗比,英国著名当代奇幻作家,新史诗奇幻流派领军人物,曾为电影剪辑师。他以“第一律法”三部曲成名,其作品着重于将高度现实主义的人物描绘和高度戏剧化的情节转折相结合,在欧美幻想文坛上打下了深深的烙印,迄今已被翻译为数十国语言。作者简介详情
经典好书《When America First Met China》读书内容简介: with newfangled America in this epic tale of opium smugglers, sea pirates, and dueling clipper ships.Brilliantly illu...详情
经典好书《The First Man》读书内容简介:of Jacques Cormery, a boy who lived a life much like his own. Camus summons up the sights, sounds and textures of a childhood...详情
经典好书《X-Men First Class》读书内容简介: mankind's place on Earth was unchallenged - until five young people paved the way for a new kind of human! While students at...详情
经典好书《First 90 Days》读书内容简介:ease, "The First 90 Days" has become the bestselling globally acknowledged bible of leadership and career transitions. In thi...详情
经典好书《深入淺出資料分析 (Head First Data Analysis)》读书内容简介:生涯献给了非盈利机构,帮助这些机构解析和处理从赞助人那里收集来的数据,提高融资能力。Michael Milton拥有新佛罗里达学院哲学学位及耶鲁大学宗教伦理学学位。多年来,他博览群书,这些书籍虽字字珠玑,却枯燥乏味; 蓦然抬首, 深入浅出(Head ...详情
经典好书《First, Break All the Rules》读书内容简介:in the world seem to have little in common. They differ in sex, age, and race. They employ vastly different styles and focus ...详情
经典好书《Head First Design Patterns》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML》读书内容简介:books that only make sense after you're an expert? Then it's about time you picked up "Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML" and ...详情