经典好书《America's First Adventure in China》读书内容简介:在哈佛大学、耶鲁大学和得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获学士、硕士和博士学位,现在宾夕法尼亚州立大学哈里斯分校执教,专攻美国研究,也曾在中国天津和香港大学执教,代表作有《中国传奇:美国人眼里的中国》(2008)和《初闯中国:美国对华贸易、条约、鸦片和救赎的故事...详情
经典好书《First Farmers》读书内容简介:gins of Agricultural Societies offers readers an understanding of the origins and histories of early agricultural population...详情
经典好书《First Concepts of Topology》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Head First 设计模式(中文版)》读书内容简介:有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。前言先介绍这本书的用法;第1章到第11章陆续介绍的设计模式为Strategy、Observer、Decorator、Abstract Factory、Factory Met...详情
经典好书《First Meetings》读书内容简介:ing the first two 'Bugger' wars, the Hegemony is desperate to counter the alien threat, as the earth hasn't the resources to ...详情
经典好书《Famous First Bubbles》读书内容简介:s and finance contains numerous colorful terms for market-asset prices at odds with any reasonable economic explanation. Exam...详情
经典好书《First They Killed My Father》读书内容简介:of a high-ranking government official, Loung Ung lived a privileged life in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh until the age...详情
经典好书《First Person Singular》读书内容简介:ion of short stories from the beloved, internationally acclaimed Haruki Murakami.The eight masterful stories in this n...详情
经典好书《Head First Design Patterns—深入淺出設計模式》读书内容简介:計模式累積了前人的經歷,經由四人幫彙整出一系列的設計模式,以利後人可以套用。本書集合四人幫的23個模式(十幾年前的事)外加這十幾年來新增的一些模式,作者群以詼諧、幽默、圖文並茂、打破傳統著書的方式,由淺入深地詳解了設計模式的精神及重點。全書全部以當紅...详情
经典好书《A First Look at Communication Theory》读书内容简介:extbook for the communication theory course, A "First Look at Communication Theory" analyzes the major communication theories...详情