Dragon's Egg 书籍
经典好书《Dragon's Egg》读书内容简介:acrifice and triumph, human scientists establish a relationship with intelligent lifeforms--the cheela--living on Dragon's Eg...详情
经典好书《China's Unequal Treaties》读书内容简介:年毕业于中国社会科学院近代史研究所,获近代对外关系史专业博士学位,1998年获美国堪萨斯大学历史学博士学位。曾任美国戈登大学中国历史教授和东方国际研究所所长。现任芬兰图尔库大学 (University of Turku)中国历史讲座教授和东亚研究中心...详情
灌籃高手完全版 9 书籍
经典好书《灌籃高手完全版 9》读书内容简介: 為了取得晉級決賽的資格,湘北與翔陽展開拉鋸戰,然而由於藤真與花形的活躍,使得翔陽佔盡了上風。比賽到了下半場,湘北的三井在危急的情況下,突然展現了中學時期MVP的實力…作者简介详情
Fool's Gold 书籍
经典好书《Fool's Gold》读书内容简介:ccess to J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and a tightly bonded team of bankers known on Wall Street as the "Morgan Mafia"-as well ...详情
经典好书《Leo Strauss On Plato's Symposium》读书内容简介:p>In fall 1959, Strauss offered a course at the University of Chicago titled "Plato's Political Philosophy," during which ...详情
经典好书《Putin's Kleptocracy》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
文献通考(全9册) 书籍
经典好书《Breakfast at Tiffany's and Three Stories》读书内容简介:tful masterpiece, Truman Capote created a woman whose name has entered the American idiom and whose style is a part of the li...详情
经典好书《The Mathematician's Brain》读书内容简介:ain poses a provocative question about the world's most brilliant yet eccentric mathematical minds: were they brilliant becau...详情