经典好书《A Course of Pure Mathematics》读书内容简介:s of mathematics as well-known as Hardy's Pure Mathematics. Since its publication in 1908, this classic book has inspired suc...详情
经典好书《The Soul of a New Machine》读书内容简介: Prize and the American Book Award, The Soul of a New Machine was a bestseller on its first publication in 1981. With the tou...详情
经典好书《Morality and Power in a Chinese Village》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A History of Modern Chinese Fiction》读书内容简介:his book is that it provides a practical acquaintance with the writing itself by means of copious passages of translation fro...详情
经典好书《A History of Iran》读书内容简介:radictions. It is an Islamic republic, but one in which only 1.4 percent of the population attend Friday prayers. Iran’s reli...详情
经典好书《Confessions of a Mask》读书内容简介:tells the story of Kochan, an adolescent boy tormented by his burgeoning attraction to men: he wants to be “normal.” Kochan ...详情
经典好书《A Course in Probability Theory》读书内容简介:ut 500 exercises consisting mostly of special cases and examples, second thoughts and alternative arguments, natural extensio...详情
初恋总是诀恋 书籍
经典好书《初恋总是诀恋》读书内容简介:解。读者从故事中读到的全是爱情,也是寂寞,秘密和不理解。爱的需要很快变成了一种对自我的寻求,因为要爱另一个人,要给予,就要先爱自己一点。然而,虽然女人使一切变得完善,传统和宗教却更倾向于帮助男人建立他的小权力。在这样一个国家里 ,爱并非如此简单。</...详情
经典好书《Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or a Good Hard Look at Wall Street》读书内容简介:icked it up I did not put it down until I finished. . . . What Schwed has done is capture fully-in deceptively clean language...详情
经典好书《A History of Pain》读书内容简介:rical atrocity in fiction, film, and popular culture can reveal much about the function of individual memory and the shifting...详情