经典好书《The Legacy of Greece: A New Appraisal》读书内容简介:h more than `the glory that was Greece'. In this fresh appraisal, replacing the original Legacy of Greece edited by Sir Richa...详情
经典好书《The Education of a Speculator》读书内容简介:ion of a Speculator, a provocative and penetrating look into the mind, the soul, and the strategies of one of the most contro...详情
经典好书《A Writer's Notebook》读书内容简介:vations, autobiographical notes, and the seeds of many of Maugham's greatest works, A Writer's Notebook is a unique and exh...详情
经典好书《A Retargetable C Compiler》读书内容简介:dy guide, the book describes the real-world tradeoffs encountered in building a production-quality, platform-retargetable com...详情
经典好书《A Short History of Linguistics》读书内容简介:文系),1982年考入北京师范大学中文系汉语史音韵专业研究生,1985年获硕士学位。同年赴美,就读于伊利诺州立大学语言学系,1988年获硕士学位,1991年获博士学位。同年开始在纽约州汉弥尔顿(Hamilton)文理学院任教,教授现代汉语、古代汉语、...详情
经典好书《The Datacenter as a Computer》读书内容简介:mputer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines, Second editionSynthesis Lectures on Computer Archit...详情
经典好书《A Lion Called Christian》读书内容简介:eatured an extraordinary film clip that soon became an internet phenomenon. It showed the emotional reunion of two young men ...详情
经典好书《A History of Chinese Civilization》读书内容简介:, this translation of Professor Jacques Gernet's masterly survey of the history and culture of China was immediately welcomed...详情
龙文身的女孩 书籍
经典好书《A Dangerous Mind》读书内容简介: 扬-维尔纳·米勒(Jan-Werner Muller)德国籍。英国牛津大学哲学博士。现任美国普林顿大学政治系副教授。另著有《另一个国家:德国的知识分子、统一和民族同一性》。作者简介详情