Why I Write 书籍
经典好书《Why I Write》读书内容简介:n of an English administrator stationed in India (in the "Opium Department"), Orwell (born Eric Blair) returned to Henley-on-...详情
经典好书《昼顔~平日午後3時の恋人たち ~Another End》读书内容简介:、『昼顔~平日午後3時の恋人たち~』の小説版。井上由美子脚本、上戸彩、吉瀬美智子、斎藤工、北村一輝ら豪華キャストが不倫の恋を演じ、多大な反響を呼んでいる問題作。小説版は、ドラマとは異なるもう一つの衝撃的な結末を描く。</p...详情
金石与唐代历日 书籍
经典好书《金石与唐代历日》读书内容简介: 本书利用大量唐代墓志拓本、石刻汇编等金石文献以及新旧《唐书》等正史文献,对唐代历日加以考察,对唐时期的月朔日干支进行梳理。并在〈二十史朔闰表〉、〈唐代的历〉的历表基础上进行分析辨证。为唐史研究提供大量翔实的记时资料,是该领域的最新研究成果。作者简介详情
经典好书《A Mathematical Bridge》读书内容简介:atics is beautiful, natural and interconnected, to the uninitiated it can feel like an arbitrary mass of disconnected technic...详情
经典好书《Topology of a Phantom City》读书内容简介:Robbe-Grillet(1922-2008)法国“新小说”代表作家和理论家、电影编剧和导演。一九五三年发表成名作《橡皮》,一九五五年以小说《窥视者》获得批评家奖,主要理论著作有《为了一种新小说》。一九六一年所著电影小说...详情
经典好书《A Murder is Announced (Miss Marple)》读书内容简介:p>Agatha Christie's most ingenious murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest genera...详情
经典好书《Mathematical Discovery on Understanding, Learning, and Teaching Problem Solving, Volume I》读书内容简介:garian mathematician. Born in Budapest on 13 December 1887, his original name was Plya Gyrg. He wrote perhaps the most famous...详情
经典好书《The Making of a Hinterland》读书内容简介:eassessment of critical issues in modern Chinese history traces social, economic, and ecological change in inland North China...详情
经典好书《Death by a Thousand Cuts》读书内容简介:Beijing in 1904, multiple murderer Wang Weiqin was executed before a crowd of onlookers. He was among the last to suffer the ...详情
经典好书《Blacksad: A Silent Hell》读书内容简介:d returns, with a new case that takes him to a 1950s New Orleans filled with hot jazz and cold-blooded murder! Hired to disco...详情