经典好书《Here in 'China' I Dwell》读书内容简介:l is a historiographical account of the formation of Chinese historical narratives in light of outside pressures on China — t...详情
シャングリラの鳥 I 书籍
经典好书《シャングリラの鳥 I》读书内容简介:挿入しないことそして、絶対に恋に堕ちないこと──。性を謳歌する男娼達の楽園で、試情夫として雇われた訳ありノンケのアポロ。試情夫とは、男娼達を愛で、客を取る前の心身をほぐして昂ぶらせる疑似愛人役のこと。<...详情
平行故事 I 书籍
经典好书《平行故事 I》读书内容简介:/p>諾貝爾文學獎熱門候選人納道詩.彼得傾力十八年之重量鉅作★一代人僅得一見的文學盛事:里程碑式的大師之作,廿一世紀的《戰爭與和平》。――《匈牙利民族報》★2011年《紐約時報》年度選書人們肉體之相互影...详情
经典好书《History of Rome, Volume I》读书内容简介:he great Roman historian, was born at or near Patavium (Padua) in 64 or 59 BCE; he may have lived mostly in Rome but died at ...详情
格林童话I 书籍
经典好书《Guess How Much I Love You》读书内容简介:),1945年出生于爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。他在爱尔兰的著名学府都柏林主日学院求学多年原本只是位教师,却在为患有阅读障碍的学生创作故事的同时,喜爱上了故事里丰富的想象力,进而陆续创作了数十本童书,包括JUST ONE!、《你们都是我的最爱》以及全球销售超...详情
经典好书《I. M. Wright's "Hard Code"》读书内容简介:bout coding, testing, and project management-from a Microsoft insider who tells it like it is. I. M. Wright's deliberately pr...详情
经典好书《The Best Software Writing I》读书内容简介: of well-written essays on software engineering, Joel Spolsky (of www.joelonsoftware.com fame) has put together a collection ...详情
经典好书《For a Breath I Tarry》读书内容简介:a Breath I Tarry" is a highly-regarded 1966 post-apocalyptic novelette by Roger Zelazny. Taking place long after the self-ext...详情
经典好书《Lives, Volume I》读书内容简介: ca. 45-120 CE, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome a...详情