经典好书《A Luminous Republic》读书内容简介:nish literary star about the arrival of feral children to a tropical city in Argentina, and the quest to stop them from pulli...详情
经典好书《Through a Glass, Darkly》读书内容简介: Cecilia lies sick in bed as her family bustle around her to make her last Christmas as special as possible. Cecilia has can...详情
经典好书《A Course in Phonetics》读书内容简介:URSE IN PHONETICS is the hallmark text for the study of linquistics. Retaining the trademark writing style and approach of pr...详情
湘绮楼诗文集(共5册) 书籍
A Free Life 书籍
经典好书《A Free Life》读书内容简介:New York Times Notable BookOne of the Best Books of the Year: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Entertainment Weekly...详情
经典好书《Making a Good Script Great》读书内容简介:reat is more than just a matter of putting a good idea on paper. It requires the working and reworking of that idea. This boo...详情
经典好书《Introduction to a True History of Cinema and Television》读书内容简介:in film studies: we hear as if for the first time the live pulse of Godard’s lectures and discussions in Montreal in 1978—a s...详情
经典好书《D.I.Y.: Design It Yourself (Design Handbooks)》读书内容简介:馬里蘭藝術學院平面設計研究所教授。在她的指導下,研究所師生一起完成了這本適合大眾閱讀的設計書。路佩登自己也曾出版過許多與設計相關的書:《Thinking with Type》、《Skin: Surface, Subs...详情
頭文字D 40 书籍
经典好书《頭文字D 40》读书内容简介:の駆る車AE86、そして彼自身はとんでもないポテンシャルを秘めていた。神奈川エリア第3ラウンド、プロジェクトDの相手はチーム・スパイラル・ゼロ!ヒルクライム戦のドライバーはゼロ理論の提唱者、池田。その池田に涼介仕込みの公道最速理論で挑む...详情
秒速5厘米 书籍