经典好书《激男 v.12―メンズラブコミックアンソロジー 特集「Hero」》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Guide to Japanese Grammar》读书内容简介:ng Japanese in college and ended the first year very confused and only able to use the polite form. Eventually, he figured ou...详情
经典好书《How to Read a Book》读书内容简介:iginally published in 1940, has become a rare phenomenon, a living classic. It is the best and most successful guide to readi...详情
证券分析 书籍
量价分析 书籍
经典好书《量价分析》读书内容简介:多读者五星好评与盛赞。威科夫量价分析法至今被华尔街所有投资银行奉为圭臬。杰西·利弗莫尔、J·P·摩根 、理查德·奈伊所倡导的盘口解读法。量价分析——交易分析的基石!看穿市场内部、确认价格变动是否...详情
经典好书《The Mind of a Trader》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Secular Age》读书内容简介:ay that we live in a secular age? Almost everyone would agree that we - in the West, at least - largely do. And clearly the p...详情
经典好书《A Perfect Crime》读书内容简介:6年。毕业于警校学校,曾做过警察、编辑等工作,担任过《天南》文学双月刊的执行主编,现为一家图书出版公司的文学主编。其小说从乡村游历到县城、省会、沿海城市、直辖市、首都,未来还想去纽约。先后做过警察、体育编辑和文学编辑。在《...详情
高級技術分析 书籍
经典好书《高級技術分析》读书内容简介:e Irwin Guide to Trading Systems)是有史以來對機械式交易系統之理論、研發和使用,說明的最淋漓盡致的手冊,稱得上是深入淺出、博大精深的權威作品。不論您是否從事過商品期貨交易,作者在本書中要告訴您:‧ 對...详情
经典好书《A Gentleman in Moscow》读书内容简介:el. You won’t want to.From the New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Civility—a transporting novel about a man...详情