经典好书《婀娜めく華、手折られる罪 花降楼シリーズ第四弾》读书内容简介:白泉社 (2006/07)ISBN-10: 4592874765ISBN-13: 978-4592874768発売日: 2006/07商品の寸法: 14.6 x 10.6 x 1.8 cm</p...详情
经典好书《彷彿清新氣息 SIDE:B》读书内容简介:同」……由於坦白說出了說不出口的煩惱,原本在班上被霸凌的三島和霸凌他的桐野締結了堅定的羈絆。不過片刻的寧靜卻因為三島被社會科老師‧柳田盯上而開始粉碎瓦解。傳遍鄉村小鎮的謠言和對兒子懷抱過高期待的母親的感情,三島和桐野兩人一邊和所有的這些對峙,一邊得出...详情
经典好书《A Tour of C++》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Woman of No Importance》读书内容简介:ne is set in an English country house â" Hunstanton (Lady Hunstanton's property). The curtains open to the terrace where we a...详情
经典好书《A Bride's Story, Vol. 2》读书内容简介:u Mori’s tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues as the young bride, Amir Halgal, struggles to remain with...详情
经典好书《The Art of WALL.E》读书内容简介:s, the innovators behind Toy Story, Finding Nemo , and Ratatouille , has again reinvented the genre with WALL E . When a r...详情
经典好书《This is Your Brain on Music Understanding a Human Obsession》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Letters to a Young Novelist》读书内容简介:denses a lifetime of writing, reading, and thought into an essential manual for aspiring writers. Drawing on the stories and ...详情
经典好书《Lumière instantanée》读书内容简介:在1979至1984年之间,在前苏联和意大利所拍的69张照片,即塔可夫斯基完成《潜行者》(Stalker,1979)之后,在《乡愁》(Nostalgia,1983)摄制期间所拍的。这本拍立得摄影集,背后有段曲折复杂的故事。1981年,塔...详情
经典好书《Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop With Marianne Moore and Robert Lowell》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情