我的心略大于整个宇宙 书籍
经典好书《我的心略大于整个宇宙》读书内容简介:身未娶,都让我们很容易将他和卡夫卡联系起来。更重要的是,佩索阿也是人类心灵的 “测量员”,在诗歌里,他一共创造了七十二个面具。通过这些诗歌,他几乎丈量出了人性的每一个裂隙,心灵的每一处皱褶。当代评论家们称他为“杰出的经典作家”、“欧洲现代主义的核心人...详情
幽灵 书籍
经典好书《幽灵》读书内容简介:的亲情,失而复得的挚爱,触不可及的未来▶全球销量突破3300万册,北欧悬疑小说天王尤•奈斯博《猎豹》之后再创销售奇迹。▶入围英国犯罪小说作家协会国际匕首奖决选,荣登 《纽约时报》《出版人周刊》《洛杉矶时报》畅销榜 。</p...详情
经典好书《Agnes's Final Afternoon》读书内容简介:ace, and intelligence, François Ricard's book joins the great French tradition of the literary essay as a meditation on the w...详情
经典好书《經濟學與法律的對話(LAW'S ORDER)》读书内容简介:整分析法律條文的來龍去脈、法律制度的運作邏輯,是關心經濟與法律的人不可不看的精采之作!
经典好书《The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village》读书内容简介:professor of modern Chinese studies at Oxford University. Among her books are The Man Awakened from Dreams: One Man’s Life in...详情
经典好书《The Omnivore's Dilemma》读书内容简介:r dinner? For omnivore's like ourselves, this simple question has always posed a dilemma: When you can eat just about anythin...详情
经典好书《The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England》读书内容简介:country. This is your guidebook. A time machine has just transported you back into the fourteenth century. What do you see? H...详情
黑猫侦探 3:红色灵魂 书籍
经典好书《黑猫侦探 3:红色灵魂》读书内容简介:物城》的动物拟人作品核战危机中,黑猫侦探再次出击!...................※编辑推荐※☆ 新生代欧漫经典作品:《黑猫侦探》系列于2000年问世,甫一上市便获得了很大的成功。截至今日...详情
经典好书《The Emperor s Bones》读书内容简介:and unconventional, Catherine Cabot is twenty years old when she arrives in China. Against an uneasy political background a b...详情
经典好书《Ivan's War The Red Army at War, 1939-45》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情