经典好书《Gulliver's Travels》读书内容简介:ic satirical narrative was first published in 1726, seven years after Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (one of its few rivals in fame ...详情
S. 书籍
经典好书《S.》读书内容简介: A world of mystery, menace, and desire.A young woman picks up a book left behind by a stranger. Inside it are his mar...详情
经典好书《Shirer's Berlin Diaries, 1934-40》读书内容简介:r)生于美国芝加哥,是著名的驻外特派记者、新闻分析员与世界现代史学家。他为哥伦比亚广播公司担任战地记者期间,报道了许多有关纳粹德国从柏林兴起到灭亡的经过。英国著名历史学家特雷弗•罗珀在《纽约时报》上称赞他是将“活着的证人能够与史实结为一体”的非凡杰出...详情
火星上的人类学家 书籍
经典好书《火星上的人类学家》读书内容简介:真实故事完美融合造访认知的遥远边界 调动自我的创造潜能【编辑推荐】:*作者奥利弗·萨克斯被书评家赞为20世纪难得一见的“神经学专家”,也被《纽约时报》誉为“医学桂冠诗人”。他的这一系列“探索者”读本在欧...详情
经典好书《Commentary to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"》读书内容简介:itical, this classic commentary subordinates the treatment of textual questions and of minor issues to the systematic discuss...详情
经典好书《At Bertram’s Hotel》读书内容简介:n Hotel is not quite as reputable as it makes out...When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she f...详情
星际特工3 书籍
经典好书《星际特工3》读书内容简介:堪称科幻史上的丰碑,影响了数代读者的宇宙观.............................※编辑推荐※☆ 根据《星际特工》系列漫画改编的电影《星际特工:千星之城》由吕克·贝松指导,将于...详情
英雄無淚 书籍
经典好书《The Feynman Lectures on Physics including Feynman's Tips on Physics》读书内容简介:f Feynman’s legendary lectures includes extensive corrections Feynman and his colleagues received and Caltech approved. This ...详情
经典好书《The Wise Man's Fear》读书内容简介:r," Kvothe searches for answers, attempting to uncover the truth about the mysterious Amyr, the Chandrian, and the death of h...详情