经典好书《Karl Marx's Theory of History A Defence》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
解決問題最簡單的方法 书籍
经典好书《解決問題最簡單的方法》读书内容简介:譯──學校沒教、但你絕對需要的解決問題能力故事╳圖解╳練習這次,你一定能學會麥肯錫的關鍵技術!▍賽斯.高汀Seth Godin(《有機會,拚就對了!》作者)、丹.艾瑞利Dan Ariely(《不...详情
新编方舆胜览(影印本) 书籍
经典好书《新编方舆胜览(影印本)》读书内容简介: 本书为中国上海图书馆藏宋咸淳三年吴坚、刘震孙刻本(清俞诚跋),共四函二十册,七十卷。此为与宋地理总志,成书于理宗时(1225~1269),以行在所临安府为首,所记仅十七路,限于南渡后的境域,略于建置沿革、疆域道里,而详于名胜古迹、诗赋序记,于各地风土习俗作者简介详情
经典好书《Notes of a Dirty Old Man》读书内容简介:r--too many of them really--and knock to tell me Notes of a Dirty Old Man turns them on. A bum off the road brings in a gypsy...详情
经典好书《As I Lay Dying》读书内容简介:930 novel is the Bundren family's bizarre journey to Jefferson to bury Addie, their wife and mother. Faulkner lets each famil...详情
经典好书《Philosophy in a Time of Terror》读书内容简介:hy in a Time of Terror" was born hours after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and came to realization just weeks later when Giov...详情
经典好书《Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar》读书内容简介:s anyone whose love of learning is not muzzled or shackled by any institution or authority; whose mind is driven to wander an...详情
追憶似水年華-I貢布雷篇 书籍
经典好书《A Field Guide to American Houses》读书内容简介:y expanded, updated, and freshly designed second edition of the most comprehensive and widely acclaimed guide to domestic arc...详情
秦汉地方行政制度 书籍
经典好书《秦汉地方行政制度》读书内容简介:一致称许的史学名家严耕望,积二十二年之功,重现秦汉地方行政风貌!-----------------------------------------------★史学名家 严耕望论现代中国史学家,特别推崇陈垣、陈寅恪、吕思勉...详情