有关品质 书籍
经典好书《A Commentary to Kant's 'critique of Pure Reason,'》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《In a Sunburned Country》读书内容简介: walks out the door memorable travel literature threatens to break out. His previous excursion up, down, and over the Appalac...详情
经典好书《A Discourse on the Method》读书内容简介:s a substance whose whole essence or nature resides only in thinking, and which, in order to exist, has no need of place and ...详情
诚品副作用 书籍
经典好书《诚品副作用》读书内容简介:传播学皖“广告策划与创意”客座老师。 诚品书店的金牌文案,连续四届广告流行语金句奖评审,多本畅销书作家,并担任旅游卫视《创意生活》特约外景主持人。 这是一个不可思议的女子,19岁就让世人因其才华惊为天人,成为台湾的文化地标——诚品...详情
经典好书《Death of a Discipline》读书内容简介:es, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has been ignoring the standardized "rules" of the academy and trespassing across disciplinary ...详情
经典好书《ウムヴェルト 五十嵐大介作品集》读书内容简介:の子供』などで絶対的な支持を獲得している五十嵐大介の作品集、待望の登場! 2004年から2014年にかけて描かれた短編は、「この世界のどこかにいる、かもしれない」──そんな「未確認生物」をモチーフとした珠玉の10タイトル。『ディザインズ』の原型となる...详情
经典好书《The Second Treatise of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration》读书内容简介: of Government, John Locke answered two objectives: to refute the concept of the monarchy's divine right and to establish a t...详情
经典好书《A Short History of Distributive Justice》读书内容简介:n its modern sense calls on the state to guarantee that everyone is supplied with a certain level of material means. Samuel F...详情