经典好书《A Course in Probability Theory》读书内容简介:ut 500 exercises consisting mostly of special cases and examples, second thoughts and alternative arguments, natural extensio...详情
经典好书《Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or a Good Hard Look at Wall Street》读书内容简介:icked it up I did not put it down until I finished. . . . What Schwed has done is capture fully-in deceptively clean language...详情
经典好书《A History of Pain》读书内容简介:rical atrocity in fiction, film, and popular culture can reveal much about the function of individual memory and the shifting...详情
经典好书《Die Zeit drängt. Eine Weltversammlung der Christen für Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und die Bewahrung der Schöpfung.》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
星际特工3 书籍
经典好书《星际特工3》读书内容简介:堪称科幻史上的丰碑,影响了数代读者的宇宙观.............................※编辑推荐※☆ 根据《星际特工》系列漫画改编的电影《星际特工:千星之城》由吕克·贝松指导,将于...详情
经典好书《Walter Benjamin: Or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism》读书内容简介: Eagleton is second to none among cultural critics writing in the English language today. --Guardian作者简介详情
经典好书《一周工作4小时,晋身新富族》读书内容简介:2007/12/4.html作者以DEAL(交 易)的概念貫穿整本書,D(Definition)是定義人生、E(Elimination)是排除旁鶩、A(Automation)是自動進帳、L (Liberation)自由逍遙。說明作者如何...详情
嫌疑犯X的獻身 书籍
经典好书《价值投资者的头号法则:像格雷厄姆和巴菲特一样选对股票,买对价位》读书内容简介:会员,著名投资公司Tweedy, Browne Company LLC的经营主管,同时也是Tweedy,Browne信托基金会主席,具有丰富的投资经验。他毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学并作为特许受托人服务于该学校,并设立了布朗国际政治研究中心;同时也是哈佛大学...详情
经典好书《Reminiscences of a Stock Operator》读书内容简介:ck Operator "… I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the ...详情