非實用野鳥圖鑑 书籍
书到用时 书籍
经典好书《书到用时》读书内容简介:体作品!一部反功利读书的给力之作。以书论世,时局世事洞若观火;因事涉书,大显卷中花团锦簇!● 梁文道作序,也斯、马家辉、汤祯兆、吕大乐等众多文化界名人鼎力推崇!● 作者叶辉是香港闻名的诗人、散文家、评论家,博学多才,涉猎广...详情
用一天說歷史 书籍
经典好书《A Course of Pure Mathematics》读书内容简介:s of mathematics as well-known as Hardy's Pure Mathematics. Since its publication in 1908, this classic book has inspired suc...详情
经典好书《The Soul of a New Machine》读书内容简介: Prize and the American Book Award, The Soul of a New Machine was a bestseller on its first publication in 1981. With the tou...详情
经典好书《Morality and Power in a Chinese Village》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A History of Modern Chinese Fiction》读书内容简介:his book is that it provides a practical acquaintance with the writing itself by means of copious passages of translation fro...详情
经典好书《A History of Iran》读书内容简介:radictions. It is an Islamic republic, but one in which only 1.4 percent of the population attend Friday prayers. Iran’s reli...详情
经典好书《Confessions of a Mask》读书内容简介:tells the story of Kochan, an adolescent boy tormented by his burgeoning attraction to men: he wants to be “normal.” Kochan ...详情
经典好书《A Course in Probability Theory》读书内容简介:ut 500 exercises consisting mostly of special cases and examples, second thoughts and alternative arguments, natural extensio...详情