经典好书《The Wise Man's Fear》读书内容简介:r," Kvothe searches for answers, attempting to uncover the truth about the mysterious Amyr, the Chandrian, and the death of h...详情
经典好书《Walter Benjamin: Or, Towards a Revolutionary Criticism》读书内容简介: Eagleton is second to none among cultural critics writing in the English language today. --Guardian作者简介详情
经典好书《Hitchcock's Films Revisited》读书内容简介:s" was first published, it quickly became known as a new kind of book on film - one that came to be considered a necessary te...详情
包拯传奇1:玉凤钗 书籍
经典好书《包拯传奇1:玉凤钗》读书内容简介:/p>悬疑惊险 机关重重 / 中西合璧 风靡欧洲...................※编辑推荐※仰赖法国编剧的生花妙笔,包拯故事得以全新演绎,有如影视大片般惊险刺激。中国画家聂崇瑞匠心独...详情
经典好书《De la séduction》读书内容简介:家、社会学家、后现代理论家。先后任教于巴黎十大和巴黎九大,撰写了一系列分析当代社会文化现象、批判当代资本主义的著作,产生了广泛的世界性影响。其代表作主要有《消费社会》、《物体系》、《生产之镜》、《象征交换与死亡》、《冷记忆》、《美国》、《完美的罪行》...详情
经典好书《My Father's Tears and Other Stories》读书内容简介:llection of new short fiction since the year 2000, My Father's Tears finds the author in a valedictory mood as he mingles nar...详情
经典好书《Reminiscences of a Stock Operator》读书内容简介:ck Operator "… I learned early that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the ...详情
经典好书《This Boy's Life》读书内容简介:oir of boyhood in the 1950s, a true modern classic, introduces us to the young Toby Wolff, by turns tough and vulnerable, cra...详情
外国现代派作品选(D卷) 书籍
经典好书《外国现代派作品选(D卷)》读书内容简介: 《外国现代派作品选》(D卷)A、B、C卷选编了有明确的流派特点的从后期象征主义到黑色幽默等十个现代派文学专辑。D卷则包括在思想上或艺术上有现代派倾向、但不一定能划入某个特殊流派,属于广义现代派的作品。作者简介详情
荷包里的单人床 书籍
经典好书《荷包里的单人床》读书内容简介:样形容我的小说,我还没有试过生孩子,我怎知道呢? 我觉得它像一次恋爱。 我全情投入,狂热地爱,沉溺、沦落、不能自拔,“他”是最好的, 然后,我们要分手了。 在某些地方,我流过眼泪,情节纵使是假的,感情却是真的,遗憾也是真的。 我轰轰烈烈地谈了一次恋爱...详情