经典好书《A World Made New》读书内容简介:mind and famously tenacious in her convictions, Eleanor Roosevelt was still mourning the death of FDR when she was asked by P...详情
经典好书《A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories》读书内容简介:ERICAN SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS In 1955, with this short story collection, Flannery O'Connor firmly laid claim to her place as...详情
经典好书《A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy》读书内容简介:ed my dinner, and drank the King of France's health, to satisfy my mind that I bore him no spleen, but, on the contrary, high...详情
经典好书《The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter》读书内容简介:publication of her first novel, THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER, Carson McCullers, all of twenty-three, became a literary sensat...详情
超越平凡的平面设计 书籍
经典好书《超越平凡的平面设计》读书内容简介:e的第二本有关平面设计的著作。与《超越平凡的平面设计——怎样做好版式》一样,本书也是享誉全球的Before&After杂志之前刊登过的文章的合辑,告诉你如何像设计师一样观察和思考。 本书分为三个部分:平面设计基础知识、平面应用设计技巧和平面设计...详情
经典好书《A Game Design Vocabulary》读书内容简介:在旧金山东湾地区工作的艺术家、作家和游戏创作家。作为游戏创作者中的代表人物,她的作品中使那些原本边缘化、被社会所忽略的声音可以在游戏中得以体现。她的第一本书《电子游戏记录者成长指南》(Rise of the Videogame Zinesters)是...详情
经典好书《Authoring a PhD》读书内容简介:is involves having creative ideas, working out how to organize them, writing up from plans, upgrading text, and finishing it ...详情
面纱 书籍
经典好书《面纱》读书内容简介:凯蒂怎么也琢磨不透,丈夫到底有没有发现她出轨的秘密——偷情时门把手的转动、晚餐时意有所指的话语,还有突然要带她前往霍乱之地的决定,这些都让凯蒂的神经越绷越紧。终于,忍无可忍的她决定摊牌。然而面纱揭开,爱情的真相与人性的冷漠将她的天真 击得粉碎。...详情
面纱 书籍
经典好书《面纱》读书内容简介:己变成一位老姑娘,接受了生性孤僻的医生瓦尔特·费恩的求婚。她离开了上世纪20年代伦敦浮华而空虚的社交圈,随瓦尔特远赴神秘的东方殖民地——香港。 对婚姻感到不满和无趣,凯蒂开始悄悄与令她芳心旌摇的香港助理布政司查理·唐生偷情。瓦尔特发现妻子的不忠后,...详情