经典好书《Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore-Enrico IV》读书内容简介:llo,1867—1936)是意大利伟大的戏剧大师和小说家,一生创作了40多部剧本,主要剧作有《诚实的快乐》、《是这样,如果你们以为如此》、《并非一件严肃的事情》、《像从前却胜于从前》、《六个寻找剧家的角色》、《亨利四世》、《给裸体者穿上衣服》、《各...详情
经典好书《Notes of a Desolate Man》读书内容简介: China Times Novel Prize, this postmodern, first-person tale of a contemporary Taiwanese gay man reflecting on his life, love...详情
经典好书《A Mind to Murder (Adam Dalgliesh Mystery Series #2)》读书内容简介:犯罪小说家,P.D. James名列前矛,甚至在这类小说的开山始祖爱伦•坡的前面。《时代周刊》给她的赞美是:创作力丰沛且脑容量惊人的贵妇。这位现年八十八岁高龄、气质高雅非凡的女作家,目前还活跃于文坛。由于写作有成,她获得许多国际知名文学...详情
经典好书《A Thousand Splendid Suns》读书内容简介: and disturbing story of two women victims of the wrath of men. As unforgettable as The Kite Runner, this novel places us in ...详情
プリミティブへの情熱 书籍
经典好书《The Name of the Game is a Kidnapping》读书内容简介:leader at a PR firm and slippery bachelor, Sakuma sees himself as a player. His smug self-regard doesn't seem entirely unfoun...详情
经典好书《We Are Not Ourselves: A Novel》读书内容简介:,作家,出生于美国纽约,毕业于芝加哥大学。获美国霍普金斯大学文学硕士及美国加州大学欧文分校艺术硕士双学位。《不属于我们的世纪》是马修倾注10年心血完成的小说处女作,故事围绕着爱尔兰裔美国女人艾琳的一生展开。在丈夫身患早发性阿 尔茨海默病...详情
经典好书《Les Larmes D'Eros》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters》读书内容简介:omplete, unsettling, and frequently exhilarating vision of the world, starting with the voyage of Noah's ark and ending with ...详情
经典好书《A Seventh Man》读书内容简介: a new edition of his seminal exploration of migrant workers, illuminated by photographer Jean Mohr. Why does the Western wor...详情