雪煙チェイス 书籍
经典好书《The Innovator's Prescription》读书内容简介:dbreaking prescription for health care reform--from a legendary leader in innovation . . . Our health care system is in cri...详情
经典好书《Hadoop MapReduce デザインパターン ―MapReduceによる大規模テキストデータ処理》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《One Man's View of the World》读书内容简介:s on that wealth of experience and depth of insight to offer his views on today’s world and what it might look like in 20 yea...详情
经典好书《Forgotten Voices of Mao's Great Famine, 1958-1962》读书内容简介:ed leader Mao Zedong instituted a program designed to transform his giant nation into a Communist utopia. Called the Great Le...详情
经典好书《Mao's China and After》读书内容简介:ed revision, Maurice Meisner again provides piercing insight and comprehensive coverage of China's fascinating and turbulent ...详情
经典好书《Tidman and Kahane's Logic and Philosophy a Modern Introduction》读书内容简介:6— ),美国俄亥俄州尤宁山大学(University of Mount Union)哲学与宗教学系教授。主要研究方向为逻辑学、认识论、形而上学及应用伦理学。霍华德·卡哈尼(Howard Kahane,1928—2001),美国著名逻辑...详情
经典好书《The Time Traveler's Wife》读书内容简介:ove story, this is the celebrated tale of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who involuntarily travels throug...详情
经典好书《Android Hacker's Handbook》读书内容简介:e guide to discovering and preventing attacks on the Android OS As the Android operating system continues to increase its sh...详情
经典好书《PostgreSQL全機能バイブル 現場で役立つA to Z 内部構造の詳説から運用管理までPostgreSQLのすべてを網羅》读书内容简介:毕业于北海道大学信息工程研究生院,获得信息工程硕士学位,曾在多家公司担任软件开发人员和技术经理/技术主管。在数据库和系统集成领域出版了7本书。2010年—2016年担任日本PostgreSQL用户组的主任,连续7年组织了日...详情