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The Nature of Prejudice读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 576页 8.3 2020 Basic Books
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USD 25.00 2020-02-20 … 2021-02-03 … 16
Gordon W. Allport      ISBN:9780201001792    原作名/别名:《》
The Nature of Prejudice摘要

With profound insight into the complexities of the human experience, Harvard psychologist Gordon Allport organized a mass of research to produce a landmark study on the roots and nature of prejudice. First published in 1954, The Nature of Prejudice remains the standard work on discrimination. Now this classic study is offered in a special unabridged edition with a new introduction by Kenneth Clark of Columbia University and a new preface by Thomas Pettigrew of Harvard University.Allport’s comprehensive and penetrating work examines all aspects of this age-old problem: its roots in individual and social psychology, its varieties of expression, its impact on the individuals and communities. He explores all kinds of prejudice-racial, religious, ethnic, economic and sexual-and offers suggestions for reducing the devastating effects of discrimination.The additional material by Clark and Pettigrew updates the social-psychological research in prejudice and attests to the enduring values of Allport’s original theories and insights.



戈登•奥尔波特(1897—1967),美国人格心理学家,实验社会心理学之父,“社会促进”(Social facilitation)概念的提出者,美国人本主义心理学家的代表人物之一。1939年当选为美国心理学会主席,1964年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖。



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