The Ecology of War in China 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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The Ecology of War in China读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 310页 7.3 2020 Cambridge University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 85.00 2020-02-20 … 2021-01-02 … 36
Micah S. Muscolino      ISBN:9781107071568    原作名/别名:《》
The Ecology of War in China摘要

This book explores the interplay between war and the environment in Henan Province, a hotly contested frontline territory that endured massive environmental destruction and human disruption during the conflict between China and Japan that raged during World War II. In a desperate attempt to block Japan's military advance, Chinese Nationalist armies under Chiang Kai-shek broke t...


This book explores the interplay between war and the environment in Henan Province, a hotly contested frontline territory that endured massive environmental destruction and human disruption during the conflict between China and Japan that raged during World War II. In a desperate attempt to block Japan's military advance, Chinese Nationalist armies under Chiang Kai-shek broke the Yellow River's dikes in Henan in June 1938, resulting in devastating floods that persisted until after the war's end. Greater catastrophe struck Henan in 1942-1943, when famine took some two million lives and displaced millions more. Focusing on these war-induced disasters and their aftermath, this book conceptualizes the ecology of war in terms of energy flows through and between militaries, societies, and environments. Ultimately, Micah Muscolino argues that efforts to procure and exploit nature's energy in various forms shaped the choices of generals, the fates of communities, and the trajectory of environmental change in North China.

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