Never Give In 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Never Give In读书介绍

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书籍 560页 8.7 2020 Hyperion
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USD 27.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-11-09 … 44
Winston S. Churchill      ISBN:9781401300562    原作名/别名:《》
Never Give In摘要

inston Churchill was the most eloquent and expressive statesman of his time. It was as an orator that Churchill became most completely alive, and it was through his oratory that his words made their greatest and most enduring impact. While the definitive collection of Churchill's speeches fills eight volumes, here for the first time, his grandson, Winston S. Churchill, has put together a personal selection of his favorite speeches in a single, indispensable volume. He has chosen from his grandfather's entire output and thoughtfully introduces each selection. The book covers the whole of Churchill's life, from the very first speech he made to those of his last days. It includes some of Churchill's best-known speeches as well as some that have never before been published in popular form. Today, Sir Winston Churchill is revered as an indomitable figure and his wisdom is called upon again and again. Reading these speeches, from the perspective of a new century, we can once again see Sir Winston Churchill's genius and be moved and inspired by his words.


Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was educated at Harrow and Sandhurst, and after several years in the army, became a newspaper corresponde nt and then an MP. After Chamberlain's defeat in May 1940, Churchill formed a coalition government and as Prime Minister led Britain through the Second World War. Defeated in the July 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition, and then ...

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