Andrew's Brain 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Andrew's Brain读书介绍

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书籍 224页 2020 Random House
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$26.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-11-01 … 77
E. L. Doctorow      ISBN:9781400068814    原作名/别名:《》
Andrew's Brain摘要

This brilliant new novel by an American master, the author of Ragtime, The Book of Daniel, Billy Bathgate, and The March, takes us on a radical trip into the mind of a man who, more than once in his life, has been the inadvertent agent of disaster.

Speaking from an unknown place and to an unknown interlocutor, Andrew is thinking, Andrew is talking, Andrew is telling the story of his life, his loves, and the tragedies that have led him to this place and point in time. And as he confesses, peeling back the layers of his strange story, we are led to question what we know about truth and memory, brain and mind, personality and fate, about one another and ourselves. Written with psychological depth and great lyrical precision, this suspenseful and groundbreaking novel delivers a voice for our times—funny, probing, skeptical, mischievous, profound. Andrew’s Brain is a surprising turn and a singular achievement in the canon of a writer whose prose has the power to create its own landscape, and whose great topic, in the words of Don DeLillo, is “the reach of American possibility, in which plain lives take on the cadences of history.”


E.L. 多克托罗(1931—2015) ,美国当代著名作家, 生于纽约犹太移民家庭,在哥伦比 亚大学攻读戏剧硕士学位时参军。退伍后相继担任哥伦比亚电影公司剧本审读员、新美 国文库出版社编辑、日晷出版社总编辑, 1969 年起专事写作,并在美国多所大学执教。 多克托罗自 1961 年发表小说《欢迎来到艰难时代》后笔耕不辍。主要作品包括《但以理 书》 《拉格泰姆时代》 《卢恩湖》 《比利 巴思盖特》 《世界博览会》 《大进军》 《纽约兄弟》 等十二部长篇小说、三部短篇小说集和多部剧本、文学评论集。他的最后一部小说是 2014 年出版的《安德鲁的大脑》 。

多克托罗曾获得美国国家图书奖,两度获得国家书评人协会小说奖、两度获得美国笔会福克纳小说奖,还获得伊迪丝沃顿小说奖、美国艺术与人文学院威廉迪恩 豪斯奖,以及由美国总统颁发的国家人文奖章。2013 年,他...

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