类别 | 页数 | 译者 | 网友评分 | 年代 | 出版社 |
书籍 | 280页 | 2020 | 政法大学 |
定价 | 出版日期 | 最近访问 | 访问指数 |
23.00元 | 2020-02-20 … | 2020-10-28 … | 12 |
Adam Ferguson(1723-1816)was one of the ccntral figures in the Scottish Enlightennent,His Essay on the History of Civil Society(first published i 1767)is a bold and novel attenpt to rechim the tradition of aitizenship and apply it to the modern travel literture,Ferguson offers a complex model of historical advance which challenges both Hume's and Smith's embrace of modernity and the primitivisn of Rousseau.
Ferguaon conbines a subtle analysis of the energence of modern commercial society with a critique of its abandomment of civic and communal virture.Central to Ferguson's theory of Citizenship are the themes of confict,play,political participation and military valour.His fascination with the theory of unintended consequences as a model of historical causalith does not deter him form insisting on the irreplacealbe valur of individual,public-minded members of political society.
FANIA OZ-SALZBERGER is a lecturer in the Department of History at Haifa University.From 1990 to 1993 she was a research fellow at woliton College,Oxford.Her book Translating the Enlightenment was published in 1995 by Oxford University Press.
作者简介亚当·弗格森(Adam Ferguson , 1723 - 1816) 是18 世纪苏格兰启蒙运动的主要思想家之一。18 世纪, 在法国启蒙运动发生的同时, 英伦北部的苏格兰有着另一场启蒙运动, 他们倡导的原则与法国思想有着很大的区别, 具体表现在: 他们几乎一致反对自然状态说和社会契约论, 对理性普遍采取低调态度或者有着不同的解释, 强调情感的力量, 并从英国传统的经验主义出发, 对社会变迁的原因和规律、对商业文明所面临的新问题进行了探索和解释。其中著名的思想家有大卫·休谟、亚当·斯密等等, 在他们当中, 亚当·弗格森对新兴的商业文明进行了颇有先见的批判, 使他与休谟和斯密对近代商业文明的乐观主义相区别开来, 也意味着弗格森的社会思想与苏格兰启蒙运动学术主流相左。