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Race War!读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 409页 2020 NYU Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 89.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-10-22 … 83
Gerald Horne      ISBN:9780814736401    原作名/别名:《》
Race War!摘要

Japan's lightning march across Asia during World War II was swift and brutal. Nation after nation fell to Japanese colonialism. How were the Japanese able to justify their occupation of so many Asian peoples? And how did they find supporters in countries they subdued and exploited? "Race War!" delves into submerged and forgotten history to reveal how European racism and colonialism were deftly exploited by the Japanese to create allies among formerly colonized people of colour. Through interviews and original archival research, Horne shows how race played a key - and hitherto ignored - role in each phase of the war. During the conflict, the Japanese turned white racism on its head portraying the war as a defence against white domination in the Pacific. We learn about the reverse racial hierarchy practiced by the Japanese internment camps, in which whites were placed at the bottom of the totem pole, under the supervision of Chinese and Indian guards - an embarrassing example of racial payback that was downplayed by the defeated Japanese and the humiliated Europeans and Americans. Focusing on the microcosmic example of Hong Kong but ranging from colonial India to New Zealand and the shores of the US, Gerald Horne radically retells the story of the war. From racist US propaganda to Native American and Black Nationalist open support of Imperial Japan, information about the effect of race on American and British policy is revealed for the first time. This revisionist account of the war draws connections between General Tojo, Malaysian freedom fighters, and Elijah Muhammed of the Nation of Islam and shows how white racism encouraged and enabled Japanese imperialism.



吉拉德‧霍恩 Gerald Horne

休士頓大學歷史及非裔美國人研究榮譽講座教授,共出版三十多本書籍,包括《1776反革命:奴隸反抗和美國的源起》(The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the USA)




譯作:「南韓—下一個日本」1988 年,遠東圖書公司


「一個人@東南亞」2006 年,印刻出版

「閒走@東南亞」2007 年,印刻出版

「搖滾—狂飆的年代」2008 年,印刻出版

「說三道四@東南亞」2010 年,印刻出版

「爛人情歌」2012 年,印刻出版


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