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Anthropologists in the Field读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 296页 2020 Columbia Univ Pr
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
$ 38.42 2020-02-20 … 2020-09-29 … 96
Hume, Lynne (EDT)/ Mulcock, Jane (EDT)      ISBN:9780231130059    原作名/别名:《》
Anthropologists in the Field摘要

All too often anthropologists and other social scientists go into the field with unrealistic expectations. Different cultural milieus are prime ground for misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and interrelational problems. This book is an excellent introduction to real-world ethnography, using familiar and not-so-familiar cultures as cases. The book covers participant observation and ethnographic interviewing, both short and long term. These methodologies are open to problems such as lack of communication, depression, hostility, danger, and moral and ethical dilemmas -- problems that are usually sanitized for publication and ignored in the curriculum. Among the intriguing topics covered are sexualized and violent environments, secrecy and disclosure, multiple roles and allegiances, insider/outsider issues, and negotiating friendship and objectivity.


林恩·休谟( Lynne Hume),人类学家,澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰大学宗教研究所副教授,主要研究澳大利亚土著文化、当地的萨满教和新宗教运动。

吉莉安·洪特(Gillian Lewando Hundt),英国华威大学健康社会科学教授,是该校健康和社会研究学院健康研究院负责人。她在中东、肯尼亚和南非的研究经历属于应用医学人类学和健康与疾病社会学范畴。她近期的研究项目是关于全球健康问题中当地人的声音和行动,集中关注资源获取、不平等、性别和族群。她在人类学和流行病学二者的交叉学科方面经验丰富。

西尔维·托尔尼(Sylvie Tourigny),医学社会学家。她是行为研究创始负责人,目前是设在澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰大学的昆士兰酒精和毒品研究和教育中心社会科学高级讲师。她的工作主要关注面临复杂交错的公共健康问题的社区,以及边缘化的经验性后果。她的工作对象广泛...

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