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The Wealth and Poverty of Regions读书介绍

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书籍 280页 2020
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$ 25.43 2020-02-20 … 2020-08-18 … 37
Polese, Mario      ISBN:9780226673165    原作名/别名:《》
The Wealth and Poverty of Regions摘要

Why do some places prosper while others lag behind? Surely the advent of the Internet and ever newer communications technologies will level the playing field. Not so, argues Mario Polese in "The Wealth and Poverty of Regions"; rather, geography will matter more than ever before in a world where distance is allegedly dead. This provocative book surveys the globe, from London and Cape Town to New York and Beijing, contending that regions rise - or fall - due to their location, not only within nations but also on the world map. Polese reveals how initial concentrations of industries and populations in specific locales often result in minor advantages that accumulate over time, resulting in reduced costs, improved transportation networks, higher productivity, and, not least of all, "buzz" - the excitement and vitality that attracts ambitious people. However, these are attributes that can also be lost. Even big cities can falter. And small places can succeed, given the right conditions. "The Wealth and Poverty of Regions" maps out how a heady mix of size, proximity, technological change, and just plain chance will determine which places become the thriving metropolises of the future, and which become the deserted backwaters of the past. Engagingly written, the book provides insight into the past, present, and future of regions.


加拿大蒙特利尔国家科学研究院教授,主要著作有《城市与宏观经济问题》(Connecting Cities with Macroeconomic Concerns)、《城市的社会可持续发展》(The Social Sustainability of Cities)。他是城市与区域经济发展领域的知名学者,2010年曾受邀参加在法国巴黎举办的上海世博会第二届国际沦坛并发言。

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