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Owl Babies读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 None页 2020 Candlewick
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 6.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-06-17 … 51
Martin Waddell      ISBN:9781564029652    原作名/别名:《》
Owl Babies摘要

The bay owls came out of their house,

and they sat on the tree and waited.

A big branch for Sarah, a small branch for Percy,

and an old piece of ivy for Bill.

When three baby owls awake one night to find their mother gone, they can't help but wonder where she is. Stunning illustrations from unique and striking perspectives capture the owls as they worry about their mother: What is she doing? When will she be back? What scary things move all around them? Not surprisingly, a joyous flapping and dancing and bouncing greets her return, lending a celebratory tone to the ending of this comforting tale. Never has the plight of young ones who miss their mother been so simply told or so beautifully rendered.



马丁.韦德尔(Martin Waddell),1941年出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔费斯特,是知名爱尔兰作家,作品曾多次获得英国史马提斯奖(The Smarties Book Prize)、凯特格林威大奖(The Kate Greenaway Medal)、鹅妈妈大奖等国际知名奖项。

2004 年获得“国际安徒生文学大奖(Hans Christian Andersen Award for writing)”,这个终身成就奖肯定了韦德尔对儿童文学的贡献。韦德尔的作品目前已累积超过一百本,代表作有《小猫头鹰》(Owl Babies)、《你睡不着吗?》(Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear?)等经典著作。评审给他的赞辞是:这位富有创造力的作者,有出众的理解力,作品深具同情和温暖。他以质朴、天真无邪的小孩子的同理心的和...

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