Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software Interface: ARM Edition 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software Interface: ARM Edition读书介绍

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书籍 720页 2020 Morgan Kaufmann
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$94.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-06-11 … 18
David A. Patterson      ISBN:9780128017333    原作名/别名:《》
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software Interface: ARM Edition摘要

The new ARM Edition of Computer Organization and Design features a subset of the ARMv8 A architecture, which is used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies, and I/O.

With the post PC era now upon us, Computer Organization and Design moves forward to explore this generational change with examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the Cloud. Updated content featuring tablet computers, Cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures is included.

An online companion Web site provides links to a free version of the DS 5 Community Edition (a free professional quality tool chain developed by ARM), as well as additional advanced content for further study, appendices, glossary, references, and recommended reading.

Covers parallelism in depth with examples and content highlighting parallel hardware and software topics

Features the Intel Core i7, ARM Cortex A53, and NVIDIA Fermi GPU as real world examples throughout the book

Adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," to demonstrate how understanding hardware can inspire software optimizations that improve performance by 200X

Discusses and highlights the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture: Performance via Parallelism; Performance via Pipelining; Performance via Prediction; Design for Moore's Law; Hierarchy of Memories; Abstraction to Simplify Design; Make the Common Case Fast; and Dependability via Redundancy.

Includes a full set of updated exercises


John L.Hennessy斯坦福大学校长,IEEE和DACM会士,美国国家工程研究院院士及美国科学艺术研究院院士,因在RISC技术方面做出的突出贡献而荣获T2001年的Eckert—Mauchly奖。同时他也是2001年SeymourCray计算机工程奖得主,并且和本书另外一位作者David A.Paterson分享了2000年的IEEE John von Neumann奖。

加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系教授,美国国家工程研究院院士,lEEE和ACM会员,曾因成功的启发式教育方法被IEEE授予James H.MIAligan,Jr.教育奖章。他因为对RISC技术的贡献而荣获1 995年IEEE技术成就奖。在RAID技术方面的成就为他赢得了1999年lEEE Reyrlold Johnson信息存储奖。2000年他和John L Henr...

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