The LION Way读书介绍
类别 | 页数 | 译者 | 网友评分 | 年代 | 出版社 |
书籍 | 366页 | 2020 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
定价 | 出版日期 | 最近访问 | 访问指数 |
USD 26.10 | 2020-02-20 … | 2020-05-29 … | 78 |
Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION) is the combination of learning from data and optimization applied to solve complex and dynamic problems. The LION way is about increasing the automation level and connecting data directly to decisions and actions. More power is directly in the hands of decision makers in a self-service manner, without resorting to intermediate layers of data scientists. LION is a complex array of mechanisms, like the engine in an automobile, but the user (driver) does not need to know the inner workings of the engine in order to realize its tremendous benefits. LION's adoption will create a prairie fire of innovation which will reach most businesses in the next decades. Businesses, like plants in wildfire-prone ecosystems, will survive and prosper by adapting and embracing LION techniques, or they risk being transformed from giant trees to ashes by the spreading competition.
罗伯托·巴蒂蒂(Roberto Battiti)
人工智能领域先驱,IEEE会士。因在无功搜索优化(RSO)方向做出了开创性的工作而名震学界。 目前为意大利特伦托大学教授,同时担任特伦托大学机器学习与智能优化实验室(LION lab)主任。
毛罗·布鲁纳托(Mauro Brunato)