Diotima's Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibni读书介绍
类别 | 页数 | 译者 | 网友评分 | 年代 | 出版社 |
书籍 | 306页 | 2020 |
定价 | 出版日期 | 最近访问 | 访问指数 |
$ 39.55 | 2020-02-20 … | 2020-05-22 … | 69 |
Diotima's Children is a re-examination of the rationalist tradition of aesthetics which prevailed in Germany in the late seventeenth and eighteenth century. It is partly an historical survey of the central figures and themes of this tradition But it is also a philosophical defense of some of its leading ideas, viz., that beauty plays an integral role in life, that aesthetic pleasure is the perception of perfection, that aesthetic rules are inevitable and valuable. It shows that the criticisms of Kant and Nietzsche of this tradition are largely unfounded. The rationalist tradition deserves re-examination because it is of great historical significance, marking the beginning of modern aesthetics, art criticism, and art history.
作者简介作者简介: 弗里德里克?C.拜泽尔(Frederick C. Beiser),1949年生,美国锡拉丘兹大学哲学教授,英语国家中德国现代思想研究的领军人物之一。著有《理性的命运:从康德到费希特的德国哲学》(1987)、《启蒙、革命与浪漫主义:现代德国政治思想(1790—1800)的起源》(1992)、《浪漫派的命令:早期德国浪漫主义的概念》(2004)、《黑格尔》(2005)、《黑格尔之后:德国哲学(1860—1900)》(2014)、《厌世:德国哲学中的悲观主义》(2016)等,每一部著作都有较高的学术影响力。曾于1994年获“古根海姆奖”,2015年获“德意志联邦共和国成就勋章”。
译者简介: 张红军,1971年生,中国人民大学美学专业硕士,武汉大学美学专业博士,现任洛阳师范学院文学院副教授、河南文化传播与社会发展研究中心研究人员。主持国家社科基...