Pet Shop Of Horrors, Vol. 1(《恐怖宠物店——番外篇全1卷》) 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Pet Shop Of Horrors, Vol. 1(《恐怖宠物店——番外篇全1卷》)读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 200 页 9.4 2020 Tokyopop Press Inc
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
70.0 2020-02-20 … 2020-05-12 … 18
Matsuri Akino      ISBN:9781591823636    原作名/别名:《》
Pet Shop Of Horrors, Vol. 1(《恐怖宠物店——番外篇全1卷》)摘要

Welcome to Chinatown! During your visit, be sure to stop by Count D's pet shop, where love and dreams are sold in the form of mythical creatures - but not without a catch. The buyer must adhere to a set of rules, which if broken, may result in death...or worse. Count D's shop features: Dream - young Angelica learns the tragic nature of breeding the rarest of birds - the Strelit...


Welcome to Chinatown! During your visit, be sure to stop by Count D's pet shop, where love and dreams are sold in the form of mythical creatures - but not without a catch. The buyer must adhere to a set of rules, which if broken, may result in death...or worse. Count D's shop features: Dream - young Angelica learns the tragic nature of breeding the rarest of birds - the Strelitzia; Despair - out-of-luck actor Robin Hendrix has always preferred the company of reptiles, so it's only natural that he would fall in love with a very special, and dangerous, one; Daughter -there is no love stronger than a mother's love for her daughter, but one mother is about to learn that love can be quite painful; and Dreizehn -they say that a dog is a man's best friend - but for the recently blinded Karen, the bond with her new seeing-eye dog is even closer.

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