Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)读书介绍
类别 | 页数 | 译者 | 网友评分 | 年代 | 出版社 |
书籍 | 600页 | 8.7 | 2020 | Addison Wesley |
定价 | 出版日期 | 最近访问 | 访问指数 |
USD 95.00 | 2020-02-20 … | 2020-03-12 … | 39 |
Mark Allen Weiss' successful book provides a modern approach to algorithms and data structures using the C programming language. The book's conceptual presentation focuses on ADTs and the analysis of algorithms for efficiency, with a particular concentration on performance and running time. The second edition contains a new chapter that examines advanced data structures such as red black trees, top down splay trees, treaps, k-d trees, and pairing heaps among others. All code examples now conform to ANSI C and coverage of the formal proofs underpinning several key data structures has been strengthened.
作者简介Mark Allen Weiss,1987年在普林斯顿大学获得计算机科学博士学位,师从Robert Sedgewick (师从Knuth),现任美国佛罗里达国际大学计算与信息科学学院教授。他曾经担任全美AP(Advanced Placement)考试计算机学科委员会的主席(2000-2004)。他的主要研究方向是数据结构、算法和教育学。