Change Anything 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Change Anything读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 288页 7.9 2020 Business Plus
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 17.62 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-09 … 24
Kerry Patterson      ISBN:9780446573917    原作名/别名:《》
Change Anything摘要

A stunning new approach to how individuals can not only change their lives for the better in the workplace, but also their lives away from the office, including (but not limited to) finding ways to improve one's working relationship with others, one's overall health, outlook on life, and so on.

For example, why is it that 95% of all diet attempts fail? Why do New Year's Resolutions last no more than a few days? Why can't people with good intentions seem to make consistent and positive strides in the way they want to improve their careers, financial fitness, physical fitness, and so on?

Based upon the latest research in a number of psychological and medical fields, the authors of CHANGE ANYTHING will show that traditional will-power is not necessarily the answer to these strivings, that people are affected in their behaviors by far more subtle influences. CHANGE ANYTHING shows how individuals can come to understand these powerful and influential forces, and how to put these forces to work in a positive manner that brings real and meaningful results.

The authors present an array of everyday examples that will change and truly empower you to reexamine the way you go about your business and life.


本书作者团队已出版过4 本荣登《纽约时报》畅销榜的图书:《关键对话》、《关键冲突》、《影响力2》和《改变一切》。

★科里• 帕特森(Kerry Patterson) 主持的培训项目广受赞誉,并负责过多个长期行为变化研究项目。2004 年,科里•帕特森因其在组织行为领域的杰出贡献,获得了美国杨百翰大学马里奥特管理学院迪尔奖。科里•帕特森在斯坦福大学完成了博士研究工作。

★约瑟夫•格雷尼(Joseph Grenny)是一位知名的演说家,也是在企业变革研究领域从业20多年的资深顾问。此外,约瑟夫•格雷尼还是Unitus的共同创始人,该组织致力于帮助世界贫困人口实现经济独立的目标。

★大卫• 麦克斯菲尔德 (David Maxfield)是著名的学者、企业顾问和演说家。他曾负责人类行为在医疗事故、安全隐患、项目执行中的相关作用的研究。大卫• 麦克斯菲尔德...

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