Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 344页 2020
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
217.00元 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-08 … 15
Fraser, Matthew/ Dutta, Soumitra      ISBN:9780470740149    原作名/别名:《》
Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom摘要

"If you want to understand why Wikipedia is changing the world, this book is a must read."-Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia "This book is a must read for all – social activists, politicians or managers – who have an interest in understanding how our society is morphing."-Professor C.K. Prahalad, #1 Management Guru and author of Competing for the Future Synopsis

The rise of social networks like Facebook, MySpace and Bebo is changing the way we see ourselves, how we interact with each other, how we work and how we do business on a daily basis. Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom explores the powerful forces driving the social networking revolution, the impact of these profound changes, and the far reaching consequences of social networking. Detailing the way social networks affects both individuals and societies as a whole, the book offers a detailed focus on the ways social networking affects the world of business and work. The generation entering the workforce today – and entering boardrooms everywhere– is fully engaged with social networking and its uses. Rather than feeling threatened and paranoid, today′s business leaders need to understand this phenomenon, accept that it won′t go away, and embrace its power in the world of business. Excerpts from Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom:

Your next CEO’s most impressive job credential might be status as an online gladiator, honing valuable leadership skills mercilessly slaying mortal enemies on World of Warcraft. Why not, the skills necessary to hack your way to the top levels of virtual games – especially a killer instinct – are excellent pre–requisites for managing complex organisations." "Many senior managers mistakenly believe Enterprise 2.0 is a product, like the latest Microsoft office suite. They don’t realise that Enterprise 2.0 is not a cost centre, but a “state of mind” – a revolutionary new way of managing companies and conducting business. Web 2.0 tools have no regard for “organisational boundaries, hierarchies, or job titles”. Try telling a senior executive that, henceforth, there will be no job titles, reporting lines, and organisational boundaries in the company – and watch the reaction closely." "When someone calls a meeting, he or she is asserting authority over those who are invited to attend. Meetings are exclusive and closed. In most corporations, who gets invited to a meeting – and who does not – sends a signal about who’s ‘in the loop’. Meetings are a form of social grooming inside organisations. Meetings impose vertical authority. They establish status hierarchies. The Enterprise 2.0 model is feared in corporations because it threatens status hierarchies." "Harnessing the dynamism of horizontal networks, Web 2.0 social media are bypassing institutional forms of social organisation and directly empowering people. This book has attempted to tell that story with illustrations, which, we hope, have offered intriguing and instructive insights into the powerful transformations we described. What has interested us most, indeed, is the transformative impact – or “e–ruptions” – of Web 2.0 social media on the three dynamics that gave this book its structure: identity, status and power."



 欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)高级研究员,既是公认的传媒行业专家,又是经验丰富的学者和记者。

 曾任加拿大国家级日报《国家邮报》的总编辑,并担任过加拿大广播电视台新闻世界频道黄金时段节目主持人。著述颇丰,其中包括畅销书《软实力》等。


 康奈尔大学S.C.约翰逊管理研究院院长。加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院、牛津大学互联网研究所以及剑桥大学贾吉商学院客座教授。

 欧洲工商管理学院数字化实验室创始人,致力于建立数字经济中一流的教学与研究中心。

 两家企业的联合创始人,也是数家创业企业的董事。曾多次受邀参加达沃斯世界经济论坛。

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