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The Fragile Absolute读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 544页 2020 Verso Books
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1768.00 元 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-07 … 28
Slavoj Zizek      ISBN:9781416053415    原作名/别名:《》
The Fragile Absolute摘要

For coverage of cutting-edge techniques and procedures, Dental Implants: The Art and Science is your "go to" reference! This edition includes 20 new chapters and coverage of the latest advances and research from leading dental implant experts. Topics range from the business of dental implants and risk management to new treatment techniques such as Teeth In A Day ® and Teeth In An HourT, the All-on-4 concept, Piezoelectric bone surgery, the new NobelActive TM implant, the use of dental implants in children, and more. Over 1,100 full-color clinical photographs and illustrations bring concepts to life and provide step-by-step visuals for surgical and prosthetic techniques. If you're looking for a comprehensive, up-to-date resource you can trust, Dental Implants is the book you need!

Over 1,100 full-color clinical photographs and line drawings help to clarify important concepts and provide step-by-step guidance for specific techniques.

All aspects of both business and patient care are covered, including risk management, patient selection and master planning, radiographic evaluation, surgical techniques, postoperative care, maintenance, and dental hygiene.

Highly-regarded lead author Charles A. Babbush, DDS, MScD , is one of the leading dental implant surgeons in the world and a highly regarded educator, speaker, and author.

Expert contributors from all over the world describe the latest advances in implantology and represent the forefront of research.

Coverage of the newest techniques includes CT/CBCT and interactive virtual treatment planning, Teeth In A Day and Teeth In An Hour, the use of implants in children, the new NobelActive TM implant from NobelBiocare, Piezoelectric bone surgery, and the All-on-4 concept.

Twenty chapters are new to this edition , reflecting the rapidly changing field of dental implants.

New! The Future Need and Demand for Dental Implants chapter includes a general description of tooth loss plus the field's growth and trends.

New! The Business of Implant Dentistry chapter looks at how implant dentistry has evolved from a small part of a few clinical practices into a global business with thousands of clinicians placing and restoring implants manufactured by more than 100 companies, including coverage of cost and overhead plus insurance coverage.

New! Essential Systems for Team Training in the Dental Implant Practice chapter looks at how to train the entire dental team in the procedures required to successfully complete implant cases, including the four pre-surgical phases (diagnostic work up, laboratory procedures, treatment planning conference, and case presentation).

New! Dental Implant Therapy for Medically Compromised Patients chapter focuses on systemic factors that have an impact on the indications, contraindications, and success rates of endosseous implants.

New! The Use of CT/CBCT and Interactive Virtual Treatment Planning and the Triangle of Bone chapter introduces treatment planning methodologies which will define new paradigms which can be universally applied to a variety of clinical presentations for partially and fully edentate patients.

New! Peri-Implant Soft Tissues chapter looks at the healing of the connective tissue after installation of the transmucosal implant component, as well as other issues.

New! Contemporary Sinus-Lift Subantral Surgery and Grafting Procedures chapter discusses the sinus lift subantral augmentation treatment, including biologic and anatomic considerations, vascular supply, elevation of the schneiderian membrane, and more.

New! Graftless Solutions for Atrophic Maxilla chapter addresses pre-treatment planning, systematic evaluation of the edentulous maxillae, and factors for successful treatment.

New! Complex Implant Restorative Therapy chapter promotes successful restorative outcomes with guidelines for evaluation of the patient plus dental evaluation, case planning, treatment presentation, provisional restorations, soft tissue esthetics, and eight different treatment scenarios.

New! Intraoral Bone Grafts for Dental Implants chapter addresses bone biology, pre-op evaluation and planning of the bone graft surgery, patient preparation, the bone graft donor site, the graft recipient site, and implant placement in onlay grafts.

New! The Use of Computerized Treatment Planning and a Customized Surgical Template to Achieve Optimal Implant Placement chapter introduces the guided implant surgery concept combining presurgical planning and computerized surgical-guide fabrication with presurgical fabrication of a provisional or final prosthesis that can be delivered at the time of surgery.

New! Teeth In A Day and Teeth In An Hour chapter describes implant protocols for immediate function and esthetics.

New! Extraction Immediate Implant Reconstruction chapter presents clinical guidelines for placing implants immediately following extraction, from single tooth to full mouth, and illustrates this concept with nine cases.

New! Management of Patients with Facial Disfigurement chapter includes patient rehabilitation, treatment planning, patient presentation, and case studies.

New! Piezosurgery chapter focuses on Piezoelectric bone surgery, a new osteotomy and osteoplastic technique using micro-vibrations to overcome the precision and safety limitations of traditional instruments.

New! A New Concept of Tapered Dental Implants chapter takes an in-depth look at the NobelActive TM implant.

New! The All-On-4 Concept chapter discusses the advantages of the All-on-4 concept that is based on the optimal number of four implants for supporting an edentulous jaw with a complete arch prosthesis.

New! Laboratory Procedures as they Pertain to Implant Reconstruction chapter deals with the procedures for a partially edentulous to a fully edentulous restoration.

New! Complications and Failures: Treatment and/or Prevention chapter includes a categorization of the etiological factors of complications and/or failure: 1) the implant system, 2) the patient, and 3) the doctor.


斯拉沃热·齐泽克 斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学社会学和哲学高级研究员,拉康传统最重要的继承人。他长期致力于沟通拉康精神分析理论与马克思主义的哲学,将精神分析、主体性、意识形态和大众文化熔于一炉,形成了极为独特的学术思想和政治立场,成为20世纪90年代以来最为耀眼的国际学术明星之一。被一些学者称为黑格尔式的思想家。他曾任法国巴黎第八大学、美国明尼苏达大学、哥伦比亚大学、普林斯顿大学等许多知名高等院校的访问教授、活跃于各种哲学、精神分析和文化批评国际姆逊说他“发出了一种不平常的声音,我们将在今后数年内反复聆听”。伊格尔顿评价他是欧洲近十年来最重要的思想家之一。

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