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High Performance MySQL Second Edition读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 712页 9.2 2020 O'Reilly Media
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USD 49.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-07 … 76
Baron Schwartz      ISBN:9780596101718    原作名/别名:《》
High Performance MySQL Second Edition摘要

High Performance MySQL is the definitive guide to building fast, reliable systems with MySQL. Written by noted experts with years of real-world experience building very large systems, this book covers every aspect of MySQL performance in detail, and focuses on robustness, security, and data integrity. High Performance MySQL teaches you advanced techniques in depth so you can bring out MySQL's full power. Learn how to design schemas, indexes, queries and advanced MySQL features for maximum performance, and get detailed guidance for tuning your MySQL server, operating system, and hardware to their fullest potential. You'll also learn practical, safe, high-performance ways to scale your applications with replication, load balancing, high availability, and failover. This second edition is completely revised and greatly expanded, with deeper coverage in all areas. Major additions include: * Emphasis throughout on both performance and reliability * Thorough coverage of storage engines, including in-depth tuning and optimizations for the InnoDB storage engine * Effects of new features in MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 , including stored procedures, partitioned databases, triggers, and views * A detailed discussion on how to build very large, highly scalable systems with MySQL * New options for backups and replication * Optimization of advanced querying features, such as full-text searches * Four new appendices The book also includes chapters on benchmarking, profiling, backups, security, and tools and techniques to help you measure, monitor, and manage your MySQL installations.



Baron Schwartz 是一位软件工程师,居住在弗吉尼亚州的Charlottesville,网络常用名是Xaprb,这是按照QWERTY 键盘的顺序在Dvorak 键盘上打出来的名字。在不忙于解决有趣的编程挑战时,Baron 会和他的妻子Lynn 以及小狗Carbon 一起享受闲暇的时光。他有一个软件工程方面的博客,地址是http://www.xaprb.com/blog/

Peter Zaitsev 曾经是MySQL AB 公司高性能组的经理,目前在运作mysqlperformance

blog.com 网站。他擅长于帮助那些每天有数以百万计访问量的网站的管理员解决问题,这些网站通常需要几百台机器来处理TB 级的数据。他常常为了解决一个问题而不停地升级硬件和软件(比如查询优化)。Peter 还经常在各种会议上演讲。

Vadim Tk...

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