Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro读书介绍

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书籍 316页 2020 Syngress
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USD 53.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-06 … 59
IOActive      ISBN:9781597492379    原作名/别名:《》
Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro摘要

If you want to master the art and science of reverse engineering code with IDA Pro for security R&D or software debugging, this is the book for you. Highly organized and sophisticated criminal entities are constantly developing more complex, obfuscated, and armored viruses, worms, Trojans, and botnets. IDA Pro's interactive interface and programmable development language provide you with complete control over code disassembly and debugging. This is the only book which focuses exclusively on the world's most powerful and popular took for reverse engineering code. Reverse Engineer Real Hostile Code - To follow along with this chapter, you must download a file called! Danger!Infectedmalware!Danger!...'nuff said. Download the Code! The companion Web site to this book offers up really evil code for you to reverse engineer and really nice code for you to automate tasks with the IDC Scripting Language. The title focuses on Portable Executable (PE) and Executable and Linking Formats (ELF). Understand the physical layout of PE and ELF files, and analyze the components that are essential to reverse engineering. Break hostile code armor and write your own Exploits. Understand execution flow, trace functions, recover hard coded passwords, find vulnerable functions, backtrace execution, and craft a buffer overflow. Master Debugging Debug in IDA Pro, use a debugger while reverse engineering, perform heap and stack access modification, and use other debuggers. Stop anti-reversing - Anti-reversing, like reverse engineering or coding in assembly, is an art form. The trick of course is to try to stop the person reversing the application. Find out how! Track a protocol through a binary and recover its message structure. Trace execution flow from a read event, determine the structure of a protocol, determine if the protocol has any undocumented messages, and use IDA Pro to determine the functions that process a particular message. Develop IDA Scripts and Plug-ins. Learn the basics of IDA scripting and syntax, and write IDC scripts and plug-ins to automate even the most complex tasks.


Dan Kaminsky,IOActive公司的渗透测试主管。Dan自1999年起(在去Cisco及Avaya上班前)在安全圈内就非常活跃。使他广为人知的是他在黑帽子大会上一系列的“Black Ops”演讲,此外,他还是唯一一位出席并在每届微软内部训练活动“Blue Hat”上发言的人。Dan致力于设计层面的故障分析,特别针对大规模的网络应用程序。Dan经常收集世界各地互联网的详细健康数据,最近用这些数据检测大部分rootkit在世界各地的繁殖情况。Dan是这个世界上少数几个同时拥有技术专长及执行层咨询技巧和能力的人。

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