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The Crafting of the 10,000 Things读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 352页 8.0 2020 Universty of Chicago Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 50.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-04 … 99
Dagmar Schäfer      ISBN:9780226735849    原作名/别名:《》
The Crafting of the 10,000 Things摘要

The last decades of the Ming dynasty, though plagued by chaos and destruction, saw a significant increase of publications that examined advances in knowledge and technology. Among the numerous guides and reference books that appeared during this period was a series of texts by Song Yingxing (1587–1666?), a minor local official living in southern China. His Tiangong kaiwu, the longest and most prominent of these works, documents the extraction and processing of raw materials and the manufacture of goods essential to everyday life, from yeast and wine to paper and ink to boats, carts, and firearms.

In The Crafting of the 10,000 Things, Dagmar Schäfer probes this fascinating text and the legacy of its author to shed new light on the development of scientific thinking in China, the purpose of technical writing, and its role in and effects on Chinese history. Meticulously unfolding the layers of Song’s personal and cultural life, Schäfer chronicles the factors that motivated Song to transform practical knowledge into written culture. She then examines how Song gained, assessed, and ultimately presented knowledge, and in doing so articulates this era’s approaches to rationality, truth, and belief in the study of nature and culture alike. Finally, Schäfer places Song’s efforts in conjunction with the work of other Chinese philosophers and writers, before, during, and after his time, and argues that these writings demonstrate collectively a uniquely Chinese way of authorizing technology as a legitimate field of scholarly concern and philosophical knowledge.

Offering an overview of a thousand years of scholarship, The Crafting of the 10,000 Things explains the role of technology and crafts in a culture that had an outstandingly successful tradition in this field and was a crucial influence on the technical development of Europe on the eve of the Industrial Revolution.


薛凤(Dagmar Sch?fer),德国马普科学史研究所所长、教授。主要研究领域为宋代和明清的知识文化、技术与政治的关系、科学技术思想发展中物质性与管理实践所担当的角色。已出版的著作有《皇帝的丝衣:明代的官营丝织业》(德文版,1998)、《宫廷与地方:十七至十八世纪的技术交流》(与故宫博物院的学者合编,中文版,2012)、《知识文化:中国历史上的技术》(主编,英文版,2012)等以及论文多篇。

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