The Ends of the Earth 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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The Ends of the Earth读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 498页 2020 Vintage
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 18.95 2020-02-20 … 2021-09-28 … 37
Robert D. Kaplan      ISBN:9780679751236    原作名/别名:《》
The Ends of the Earth摘要

Having drawn a startlingly prescient portrait of the Bosnian catastrophe in his bestseller, Balkan Ghosts, Robert Kaplan now travels more widely and ambitiously. In this gritty tour de force of travel writing and political reportage, he covers an arc from West Africa to Southeast Asia, across a world in which nation-states are giving way to warring nationalities and where metastasizing populations compete for dwindling resources. 6 maps.


羅柏.D.卡普蘭(Robert D. Kaplan)

被《Foreign Policy》雜誌譽為全球百大思想家的卡普蘭是美國知名記者、《大西洋月刊》資深主筆、地理戰略學者。

也是旅行名家,旅行足跡遍及七十多個國家,發表過四部與旅行有關的作品,包括一九九三年被《紐約時報書評》評選為該年度好書的《巴爾幹鬼魂:一段穿越歷史的旅程》(Balkan Ghoast:A Journey through History) 。他的另一部作品《阿拉伯專家》(The Arabists)同時被《紐約時報》選評為「值得注意之書」。




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