The Grand Titration读书介绍
类别 | 页数 | 译者 | 网友评分 | 年代 | 出版社 |
书籍 | 368页 | 2020 | Routledge |
定价 | 出版日期 | 最近访问 | 访问指数 |
USD 54.95 | 2020-02-20 … | 2021-06-14 … | 43 |
The historical civilization of China is, with the Indian and European-Semitic, one of the three greatest in the world, yet only relatively recently has any enquiry been begun into its achievements in science and technology. Between the first and fifteenth centuries the Chinese were generally far in advance of Europe and it was not until the scientific revolution of the Renaissance that Europe drew ahead. Throughout those fifteen centuries, and ever since, the West has been profoundly affected by the discoveries and invention emanating from China and East Asia.
In this series of essays and lectures, Joseph Needham explores the mystery of China's early lead and Europe's later overtaking.
作者简介李约瑟 Dr.Joseph Needham (1900-1995),全名 Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham,英国人,剑桥大学李约瑟研究所名誉所长,长期致力于中国科技史研究。李约瑟博士是英国著名科学家、英国皇家学会会员(FRS)、英国学术院院士 (FBA)。 早年以生物化学研究而著称,30-40年代出版了《化学胚胎学》(三卷本) 及《生物化学与形态发生》,在国际生化界享有盛誉。1954年,李约瑟出版了《中国科学技术史》第一卷,轰动西方汉学界。他在这部计有三十四分册的系列巨著中,以浩瀚的史料、确凿的证据向世界表明:“中国文明在科学技术史上曾起过从来没有被认识到的巨大作用”,“在现代科学技术登场前十多个世纪,中国在科技和知识方面的积累远胜于西方”。被誉为“20世纪的伟大学者”、“百科全书式的人物”。