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Phantom Lady读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 224页 2020 I Books
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
2020-02-20 … 2021-06-03 … 13
Cornell Woolrich      ISBN:9780743423731    原作名/别名:《》
Phantom Lady摘要

Phantom lady, I was with you for six hours last night, but I can't remember what you look like, or what you wore -- except for that large orange hat.

We sat shoulder to shoulder at a little bar in the east Fifties. We ate dinner together, saw a Broadway show together, shared a cab together.

The bartender, the waiter, the usher, the cab driver -- none of them remembers you. The police say I was home strangling my wife at the moment I met you.

You are the only one who can prove my story -- but I don't know your name, or where you live. And I can't search for you from a jail cell....


作者:康奈尔•伍尔里奇(Cornell Woolrich),1903年12月4日生于纽约,美国悬疑小说家,与雷蒙德•钱德勒、詹姆斯.M•凯恩并称“黑色小说三杰”。伍尔里奇的作品皆以紧张的氛围、惊险的情节以及出人意料的逆转取胜,不但小说畅销热卖,还有将近40部作品被改编为 脍炙人口的电影及电视剧集,包括希区柯克执导的《后窗》、特吕弗执导的《黑衣新娘》以及安吉丽娜•朱莉主演的《原罪》。


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